Refresh Your Mind and Body

Helping people live
less stressful lives

Qigong Meditation Classes with Adrian Miller

Learn simple tools to help you release physical, mental and emotional tension, regain energy and improve your quality of Life.

Hi I’m Adrian and am a qualified Qigong teacher. Since a life changing experience to my health from trying Qigong 12 years ago, I’ve been practising and teaching this powerful meditation practice to help others improve their lives also.

Today’s fast paced world with all its demands and activity, can create a lot of stress and tension in the body and mind.

In Chinese Medicine we understand that a build-up of tension slows down and starts to block the energy (Qi) flow along the meridians in our body. 

Over time this leads to lack of vitality and imbalances which may be experienced as:

  • anxiety, depression , panic attacks, poor sleep and excessive anger 

  • lack of vitality, physical pain, fatigue, blood pressure and immune system issues or 

  • feelings of not being fulfilled, content

Qigong reduces tension and improves energy flow (Qi) and blood flow through the body

It helps re-balance emotionally and ‘lighten the load’ of supressed feelings and pains.

Benefits of practising Qigong

  • Relieves anxiety and stress

  • Improved sleep and more energy

  • Reduced physical pain

  • Boosts immune system

  • Increased feelings of happiness and peace

  • Calmer mind

  • Feeling lighter emotionally and more ‘grounded’

Click image to read The Guardian Article

About Adrian

Hi, I’m Adrian from Melbourne. Like a lot of people I grew up with the idea that if I go to university, get a good paying job, buy an apartment and meet a great partner then I will be happy and fulfilled.

How wrong I was! After 10 years achieving and chasing all this, I ended up with chronic depression, suffering terrible panic attacks and struggling with alcohol dependence. While things looked good on the outside , my internal emotional state was very bleak and felt hope-less.

I had seen a number of doctors and psychologists, tried many medications, CBT and other courses, but any relief was temporary and always felt like they were treating the symptoms but not the core problem.

“The magical property of Qigong is its ability to help you deal with the kind of stress that makes us age. Qigong helps slow ageing at the cellular level”

— Michael Roizen. Chief Wellness Officer at Cleveland Clinic and award winning author

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