Explore the world of
Qigong Meditation

Discover the ancient practice of Qigong and its benefits for mind and body

Based on ancient Chinese medicine theory and Practices, the Qigong I teach is designed to suit people living in our modern era.

Qigong is a 3000 year old meditative practise that has its roots in Chinese Medicine and involves gentle movements with controlled breathing, relaxation and meditation.

The term “qigong” is a combination of two words: "qi," which means “subtle breath” or “vital energy,” and "gong," which translates to “skill cultivated through steady practice.”

I often call this a full body meditation that helps people feel grounded and ‘in their body’ to help feel more connected with themselves.

It can really help those that struggle with traditional meditation because their mind is too active to just sit and focus on the breathe.

These simple techniques include breathing and focusing internally and are performed sitting, standing, lying down or walking.

During the classes you will be guided gently through the movements and Stillness to increase Energy and blood flow and restore balance and feelings of wellbeing to the body, mind and spirit.

The flexibility of the program allows you to move at your own pace as you experience amazing changes in your Self and your Relationships.

Qigong combines readily with any Western medical, psychological or spiritual program as well as other Eastern modalities.

In the Qigong classes you will develop:

Increased Vitality: by cultivating Qi in your major Energy Centres and circulating Energy to every Cell.

Inner Joy and Peace: by learning to Smile internally, releasing tension and accessing Inner Stillness.

Deeper Relationships: through Practising Gratitude, Empathy and Whole Body Listening.

Flexibility of Mind and Body: by Balancing your Energy system and being in tune with the Natural Rhythm of Life.

Clarity of Life Purpose: by dissolving Energy Blockages and opening fully to the present moment.

Heart Centred Service: by refining your Inner Energy and Gifting your abundance of Qi to others and our Planet.